The best kept secret in the Hudson Valley

Sculling Certification

Certified scullers are permitted to row unsupervised using the "Buddy System". Please see notes below for more information. Final certification of scullers is the responsibility of the Head Coach.


One or more years of sculling on the Hudson River.


A minimum of ten trips of 8000 meters on the river (round trip from the boathouse to the inlet north of the CIA and from the boathouse to the navigation buoy south of the Poughkeepsie Cemetery.)


Demonstrated knowledge of the Certification Checklist below.


Know and follow club safety rules
Demonstrate common sense in making decisions about when and where to row
Know safety procedures re: tide, river safe landing points and hazards, navigation, sunrise/sunset, weather
Know the accepted river traffic pattern and follow it
Know how to use the club logbook and regularly use it
Know what to do if you flip over or swamp


Know which boats/oars belong to the club and which are private equipment
Know how to carry the boat and oars on and off the racks and to and from the dock (can be done with another person)
Know how to adjust the foot stretchers and how to close the gate on the oarlocks
Know how to clean the wheel tracks and check nuts/bolts for security
Know how to attach a bow light
Know how to lift the boat out of the water and carry back to the racks (can be done with another person)


Demonstrate ability to install oars correctly and get into the boat safely
Know how to launch and land at the dock
Know how to maneuver around river debris and other boats
Demonstrate steering by looking over shoulder or using rear view mirror.
Demonstrate quick stop.
Demonstrate backing stroke
Demonstrate ability to make a 180-degree stationary turn.
Demonstrate ability to get out of boat and remove oars safely

MHRA Unsupervised Sculler Certification form must be certified by a coach. The form is available here: 

Mid Hudson Rowing Association (MHRA), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit rowing club located in Poughkeepsie, NY. Its mission is to promote safe practices for adult and scholastic rowing and to provide opportunities to enjoy the natural and scenic beauty of the Hudson River.